Jane Austen and Humour

As I mentioned a few days ago, I have started re-reading Pride and Prejudice. Every time I read it, the first chapter is my favourite. Mr and Mrs Bennet’s relationship is hilarious, and the humour is what I like best about Austen. I have read somewhere that everyone has their own reason – the romance, the era in which its set, the social commentary etc etc, and while I love all those, the reason I like her books so much is that they make me laugh. I think that’s why Emma is my favourite 🙂 

Its also why I loved doing “An Evening at Home with the Austens”. Its based on Jane’s early work which is much more satirical and surreal then her novels. There’s “Three Sisters” about the marriage market, “A History of England by a partial prejudiced and ignorant historian” and “Evelyn” about a world without logic. Its a lot of fun – especially as we multi-role and cross-dress. The flyer about the production is on an earlier post is you want to find out more! I’ll be writing some more blog posts about the production over the next few weeks, and hopefully a guest post from our director too!